#Rationale Version 130.55 can_be_loaded_by 120.53 uses_features_from 120.53 #-- Start of Prelude -- Node = None Views = [] Loading = True canSetScratchpadText = True if not CurrentFileFormat.IsLaterThan(130, 54): morphTarget = None if not CurrentFileFormat.IsLaterThan(130, 55): canSetScratchpadText = False def Create(type): global Node if morphTarget == None: Node = app.Create(type) else: Morph(morphTarget, type) Node = morphTarget return Node def CreateChild(parent, type): global Node Node = app.CreateChild(parent, type) return Node def CreateAnnotation(parent, type): global Node Node = app.CreateAnnotation(parent, type) return Node def SetText(text): app.SetText(Node, text) def SetEvaluation(evaluation): app.SetEvaluation(Node, evaluation) def SetTint(tint): app.SetTint(Node, tint) def StringToImage(guid, imageAsString): return app.StringToImage(guid, imageAsString) def Morph(node, flavor): global Node app.Morph(node, flavor) Node = node def GetFernViews(): global Views global View global Loading Views = [v for v in app.Views if v.TypeName == "FernView"] Loading = len(Views) == 0 if Loading: View = app.Gui.CreateView("FernView") Views = [ View ] def SetLocation(node, x, y): # if Loading: # View.SetLocation(node, x, y) # else: for v in Views: v.SetLocation(node, x, y) def SetOffset(offsetFrom, node, x, y): if Loading: View.SetOffset(offsetFrom, node, x, y) else: for v in Views: v.SetOffset(offsetFrom, node, x, y) def SetSize(node, width, height): if Loading: View.SetSize(node, width, height) else: for v in Views: v.SetSize(node, width, height) def ShowPrintPagePreview(show): if Loading: View.ShowPrintPagePreview(show, False) def SetBackgroundImage(image): if Loading: View.SetBackgroundImage(image, False) def SetOpacity(opacity): if Loading: View.SetOpacity(opacity) def SetSelection(node): if Loading: View.SetSelection(node) def SetScratchpadText(text): if canSetScratchpadText: app.Gui.SetScratchpadText(text) #-- End of Prelude -- map0_0 = Create("Claim") SetText("Capital punishment is wrong") SetEvaluation("Accept") map0_1 = CreateChild(map0_0, "Reason") SetText("Innocent people are sometimes executed") SetEvaluation("Strong") map0_2 = CreateChild(map0_1, "Reason") SetText("Many convicted murderers have later been proven innocent") SetEvaluation("Strong") map0_3 = CreateChild(map0_2, "Basis") SetText("*Data*\nDatabase of capital convictions later overturned, Dr. E. Higgins, http://www.dredmundhiggins.com/") SetEvaluation("Accept") map0_4 = CreateAnnotation(map0_3, "Note") SetText("This data comes from a reliable source, so we accept it as solid.") SetTint(3) map0_5 = CreateAnnotation(map0_2, "Note") SetText("This reason is supported by a solid basis, so we accept it as a strong reason.") SetTint(3) map0_6 = CreateAnnotation(map0_1, "Note") SetText("This reason is supported by a strong reason, so we should accept it as a strong reason.") SetTint(3) map0_7 = CreateChild(map0_0, "Reason") SetText("People should be given a chance to redeem themselves") SetEvaluation("Weak") map0_8 = CreateChild(map0_7, "Reason") SetText("Society benefits from the service of people who redeem themselves") SetEvaluation("Weak") map0_9 = CreateChild(map0_8, "Basis") SetText("*Common Belief*\nThe claim above is widely believed.") SetEvaluation("TakeNoStand") map0_10 = CreateAnnotation(map0_9, "Note") SetText("While many people believe this, that isn't a good enough grounds for me to accept it. Data or statistics would provide a stronger grounds.") SetTint(3) map0_11 = CreateAnnotation(map0_8, "Note") SetText("Even though we're not confident about the source, we can accept this as a weak reason: society at least benefits when criminals do not go on to commit further serious crimes.") SetTint(3) map0_12 = CreateAnnotation(map0_7, "Note") SetText("This reason also seems plausable, even though we do not have strong support for it, so we accept it as a weak reason.") SetTint(3) map0_13 = CreateChild(map0_0, "Objection") SetText("Capital punishment deters crime") SetEvaluation("MakesNoDifference") map0_14 = CreateChild(map0_13, "Objection") SetText("In the U.S., crime rates are not lower in states which have capital punishment") SetEvaluation("Strong") map0_15 = CreateChild(map0_14, "Basis") SetText("*Publication*\nFBI Uniform Crime Reports, 1990-2005.") SetEvaluation("Accept") map0_16 = CreateAnnotation(map0_15, "Note") SetText("This publication is a reliable source, so we can accept this as a solid basis.") SetTint(3) map0_17 = CreateAnnotation(map0_14, "Note") SetText("This rebuttal is supported by a solid basis, so we accept it as a strong reason.") SetTint(3) map0_18 = CreateAnnotation(map0_13, "Note") SetText("We should reject this claim, as we have strong evidence against it.") SetTint(3) map0_19 = CreateAnnotation(map0_0, "Note") SetText("We should accept the position, since it has the support of one strong reason and one weak reason, and the objection fails to undermine it.") SetTint(3) GetFernViews() SetLocation(map0_0, -493, -333) SetSize(map0_0, 219, 62) SetSize(map0_1, 134, 72) SetSize(map0_2, 136, 90) SetSize(map0_3, 264, 150) SetOffset(map0_3, map0_4, 11, -180) SetSize(map0_4, 156, 106) SetOffset(map0_2, map0_5, 218, -15) SetSize(map0_5, 156, 128) SetOffset(map0_1, map0_6, 229, 36) SetSize(map0_6, 156, 150) SetSize(map0_7, 159, 72) SetSize(map0_8, 135, 108) SetSize(map0_9, 123, 160) SetOffset(map0_9, map0_10, 4, -204) SetSize(map0_10, 160, 195) SetOffset(map0_8, map0_11, -416, -211) SetSize(map0_11, 156, 262) SetOffset(map0_7, map0_12, -288, 232) SetSize(map0_12, 156, 173) SetSize(map0_13, 124, 72) SetSize(map0_14, 145, 108) SetSize(map0_15, 174, 120) SetOffset(map0_15, map0_16, -74, -169) SetSize(map0_16, 156, 128) SetOffset(map0_14, map0_17, -277, -18) SetSize(map0_17, 156, 128) SetOffset(map0_13, map0_18, -233, 41) SetSize(map0_18, 165, 106) SetOffset(map0_0, map0_19, 112, 160) SetSize(map0_19, 367, 83) ShowPrintPagePreview(False)