#Rationale Version 130.55 can_be_loaded_by 120.53 uses_features_from 120.53 #-- Start of Prelude -- Node = None Views = [] Loading = True canSetScratchpadText = True if not CurrentFileFormat.IsLaterThan(130, 54): morphTarget = None if not CurrentFileFormat.IsLaterThan(130, 55): canSetScratchpadText = False def Create(type): global Node if morphTarget == None: Node = app.Create(type) else: Morph(morphTarget, type) Node = morphTarget return Node def CreateChild(parent, type): global Node Node = app.CreateChild(parent, type) return Node def CreateAnnotation(parent, type): global Node Node = app.CreateAnnotation(parent, type) return Node def SetText(text): app.SetText(Node, text) def SetEvaluation(evaluation): app.SetEvaluation(Node, evaluation) def SetTint(tint): app.SetTint(Node, tint) def StringToImage(guid, imageAsString): return app.StringToImage(guid, imageAsString) def Morph(node, flavor): global Node app.Morph(node, flavor) Node = node def GetFernViews(): global Views global View global Loading Views = [v for v in app.Views if v.TypeName == "FernView"] Loading = len(Views) == 0 if Loading: View = app.Gui.CreateView("FernView") Views = [ View ] def SetLocation(node, x, y): # if Loading: # View.SetLocation(node, x, y) # else: for v in Views: v.SetLocation(node, x, y) def SetOffset(offsetFrom, node, x, y): if Loading: View.SetOffset(offsetFrom, node, x, y) else: for v in Views: v.SetOffset(offsetFrom, node, x, y) def SetSize(node, width, height): if Loading: View.SetSize(node, width, height) else: for v in Views: v.SetSize(node, width, height) def ShowPrintPagePreview(show): if Loading: View.ShowPrintPagePreview(show, False) def SetBackgroundImage(image): if Loading: View.SetBackgroundImage(image, False) def SetOpacity(opacity): if Loading: View.SetOpacity(opacity) def SetSelection(node): if Loading: View.SetSelection(node) def SetScratchpadText(text): if canSetScratchpadText: app.Gui.SetScratchpadText(text) #-- End of Prelude -- map0_0 = Create("Claim") SetText("I should keep my cat indoors at night") SetEvaluation("Accept") map0_1 = CreateChild(map0_0, "CompoundReason") SetEvaluation("Weak") map0_2 = CreateChild(map0_1, "Claim") SetText("Cats kill endangered wildlife") SetEvaluation("Accept") map0_3 = CreateAnnotation(map0_2, "Note") SetText("We all know this is true: cats are built to hunt small mammals and birds.") SetTint(3) map0_4 = CreateChild(map0_1, "Claim") SetText("Cats usually hunt at night") SetEvaluation("Accept") map0_5 = CreateChild(map0_4, "Basis") SetText("*Expert Opinion*\nDr. Fluffhandler, Veterninary Surgeon") SetEvaluation("Accept") map0_6 = CreateAnnotation(map0_5, "Note") SetText("A veterinarian is a credible source of information about these issues.") SetTint(3) map0_7 = CreateChild(map0_1, "Inference") map0_8 = CreateAnnotation(map0_1, "Note") SetText("The claim is true, but deciding whether or not the reason is relevant to the position will depend upon knowing more about my cat. Does she live in the inner city, the suburbs or the country? Is she young and energetic or old and toothless?") SetTint(3) map0_9 = CreateChild(map0_0, "CompoundReason") SetEvaluation("Strong") map0_10 = CreateChild(map0_9, "Claim") SetText("Cats are safer if they're kept indoors at night") SetEvaluation("Accept") map0_11 = CreateChild(map0_10, "CompoundReason") SetEvaluation("Strong") map0_12 = CreateChild(map0_11, "Claim") SetText("Most vehicle accidents involving cats occur at night") SetEvaluation("Accept") map0_13 = CreateChild(map0_12, "Basis") SetText("*Expert Opinion*\nDr. Fluffhandler, Veterninary Surgeon") SetEvaluation("Accept") map0_14 = CreateAnnotation(map0_13, "Note") SetText("We trust Dr. F. on this.") SetTint(3) map0_15 = CreateChild(map0_11, "Inference") map0_16 = CreateChild(map0_10, "CompoundReason") SetEvaluation("Strong") map0_17 = CreateChild(map0_16, "Claim") SetText("Most catfights occur at night") SetEvaluation("Accept") map0_18 = CreateChild(map0_17, "Basis") SetText("*Expert Opinion*\nDr. Fluffhandler, Veterninary Surgeon") SetEvaluation("Accept") map0_19 = CreateAnnotation(map0_18, "Note") SetText("Once more, he knows his stuff.") SetTint(3) map0_20 = CreateChild(map0_16, "Inference") map0_21 = CreateAnnotation(map0_16, "Note") SetText("These two reasons are both directly relevant to the reason above, and we accept their component premises as good ones with solid bases.") SetTint(3) map0_22 = CreateChild(map0_9, "Inference") map0_23 = CreateAnnotation(map0_9, "Note") SetText("We have two strong supporting reasons, and this reason is directly relevant to the position: it is a strong reason.") SetTint(3) map0_24 = CreateAnnotation(map0_0, "Note") SetText("Given one strong reason and one weak one, we should accept the position.") SetTint(3) GetFernViews() SetLocation(map0_0, -108, -115) SetSize(map0_0, 156, 53) SetSize(map0_1, 346, 72) SetOffset(map0_2, map0_3, 75, -121) SetSize(map0_3, 214, 83) SetSize(map0_4, 117, 62) SetSize(map0_5, 112, 128) SetOffset(map0_5, map0_6, 162, -165) SetSize(map0_6, 156, 106) SetSize(map0_7, 43, 48) SetOffset(map0_1, map0_8, 204, 181) SetSize(map0_8, 381, 128) SetSize(map0_9, 245, 72) SetSize(map0_10, 180, 62) SetSize(map0_11, 225, 82) SetSize(map0_12, 160, 72) SetSize(map0_13, 112, 128) SetOffset(map0_13, map0_14, 98, -123) SetSize(map0_14, 93, 83) SetSize(map0_15, 45, 48) SetSize(map0_16, 221, 72) SetSize(map0_18, 112, 128) SetOffset(map0_18, map0_19, 134, -172) SetSize(map0_20, 45, 48) SetOffset(map0_16, map0_21, -280, 15) SetSize(map0_21, 201, 150) SetSize(map0_22, 45, 48) SetOffset(map0_9, map0_23, -334, 65) SetSize(map0_23, 249, 106) SetOffset(map0_0, map0_24, -246, 66) SetSize(map0_24, 218, 83) ShowPrintPagePreview(False)