The Science Of Scientific Writing Set A Intro to Paragraphs Features of Maps Examples of Maps Exercise 1 Quiz Diverse Organising Principles Example Exercise for Exercises 2-4 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Adding Non-core Content *Exercise 5* Final Page. |
OVERVIEW: The way to well-written science
PART I: Paragraphs and Sentences SET A: Paragraphs: The Maps Behind Them SET B: Paragraphs: Using Maps to Meet Readers' Expectations SET C: Paragraphs with Something Extra: Points and Tails SET D: The Generic Section: Expectations and Maps as Blueprints SET E: Scientific Sections: The Methods and Results SET F: Scientific Sections: The Discussion SET G : Scientific Sections: The Introduction SET H : Sentences SET I : The Paper as a Whole
PART II: The Paper and its Sections SET 1: Argument Parts SET 2: Indicator Words SET 4: Locating Arguments in Prose SET 5: Rationale's Essay Planner SET 6: Evidence in Arguments: Basis Boxes Synthesis 1: Position-Early Paragraphs Synthesis 2: Position-Final Paragraphs Synthesis 3: Writing a Discussion I Synthesis 4: Writing a Discussion II |
Explanation of Exercises 2-4
The content of the paragraphs has been chosen so as to give you practise in the types of thinking involved in organising paragraphs in the descriptive/report sections of a scientific paper (i.e. Materials and Methods/ Results). Hints In making decisions as to which is the Sentence appropriate for the top box of the map, and what is the "correct" sequence for the rest of the sentences, keep these ideas in mind:
Worked Example Here is a worked example of what you will be doing in exercises 2-4. 1. You will start with a set of sentences (from a pre-written paragraph) whose order has been scrambled.
2. You will be asked to drag these sentences from the Text Box area onto the Rationale Workspace area (the central section).
3. Next, you will try to work out which is the Sentence for the top box and a tentative Organising Principle, and then what is the most sensible arrangement of the secondary sentences, creating a hierarchical diagram as you go. This is the diagram I came up with for the five sentences above:
Alternatively, you might think the sentence that begins with "Finally..." nests better under the "Second..." sentence, and prefer this diagram:
Either is fine.
Want to know more? If you want to see how I came up with the map above in more detail, click here. The map explanation will open in a new window. Close the window when you're finished.