The Science Of Scientific Writing    Set H      Location in Sentences   Multi-part Sentences      Exercise 1     Maps for Sentences     Exercise 2       Simple Sentences      Final Page .

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OVERVIEW: The way to well-written science

How to do the Course


PART I: Paragraphs and Sentences

SET A: Paragraphs: The Maps Behind Them

SET B: Paragraphs: Using Maps to Meet Readers' Expectations

SET C: Paragraphs with Something Extra: Points and Tails

SET D: The Generic Section: Expectations and Maps as Blueprints

SET E: Scientific Sections: The Methods and Results

SET F: Scientific Sections: The Discussion

SET G : Scientific Sections: The Introduction

SET H : Sentences

SET I : The Paper as a Whole



PART II: The Paper and its Sections


SET 1: Argument Parts

SET 2: Indicator Words

SET 3: Refining Claims

SET 4: Locating Arguments in Prose

SET 5: Rationale's Essay Planner

SET 6: Evidence in Arguments: Basis Boxes

SET 7: Assessing

SET 8: More on Assessing

SET 9: Analysis Maps

SET 10: Assessing Again

Synthesis 1: Position-Early Paragraphs

Synthesis 2: Position-Final Paragraphs

Synthesis 3: Writing a Discussion I

Synthesis 4: Writing a Discussion II

Exercise 2

Your overall task is to write up the map below as a single paragraph of no more than FIVE sentences.

In detail:

(1) Drag the image of the map below onto the Rationale workspace, from Rationale's inline browser.

(2) Select the map (click on its top box) and then copy and paste the map so that you have two copies.

(3) Select one copy, and then change its mode from "Reasoning" to "Grouping" (far right of the Home menu).

(4) Colour code the boxes so that you group the sentences that you think can be combined into a multi-part sentence. (Note: the very first sentence of the paragraph should only consist of the single sentence in the very top box. In a written argument it is generally advisable to present the main claim "pure and simple" - readers are then more ikely to understand that this is the claim being argued.)

(5) The terms CURRENT and PREVIOUS at the top of each box indicate whether the statement in the box relates to current or previous research. Where citations are provided include them in typical journal fashion (e.g Voltij and Ampraj, 1987).

(6) Once you have finished the colour-coding, write up the map as a a single paragraph of no more than FIVE sentences, of which the first sentence (the Framing Sentence) is the sentence in the top box.



